How To Choose a Property Consultant in Turkey

How To Choose a Property Consultant in Turkey

How To Choose a Property Consultant in Turkey?

How to choose a property consultant in Turkey? That’s the question so many ex-pats wonder when they are considering moving to Turkey or purchasing property in Turkey.

The property consultancy sector in Turkey is usually performed by individuals that are not qualified enough to accomplish the necessary customer satisfaction. Brands that you may be familiar with from your own homeland are vastly operated by franchisee companies or individuals. Nevertheless, with the right guidance, you can easily find the right property consultant in Turkey that will protect your rights and benefits, and serve you with the maximum price and quality balance.

Therefore, moving forward with the right property consultant in Turkey on a sole agency basis will be far more beneficial for you, rather than sticking with a familiar brand just because you have seen their signs or ads in your own homeland. But how do you choose the right property consultant in Turkey? There are two major bullet points:

Property Consultant in Turkey: Expertise

You need to look into the overall portfolio of the property consultant. He or she needs to be an expert on a sectoral or regional basis. For instance, a consultant’s portfolio might consist of residential, offices, retail, or industrial properties. It’s not a confidence-building thing if a consultant’s portfolio includes too many of various types of properties. He or she who knows too much does not know enough of one thing.

Expertise does not get to be on a sectoral basis. Your consultant can also be an expert on a regional basis as stated above. Just keep in mind the fact that property consultancy is a business that is performed physically and it’s not easy to travel around, especially Istanbul all day long. Local expertise is also a legit factor that may affect your preference.

Property Consultant in Turkey: References

It’s a very essential factor to ask the third party for a dependable property consultant’s references. The property consultancy system in Turkey works with a very wide cooperation network between agents themselves and service providers. A properly suggested property consultant means a consultant who is doing his / her job properly and will not let you down. Although asking for a referred agent from a fellow ex-pat is always an option, you would better ask for a suggestion who is cooperating with the property consultants on a professional basis.

Whether you look for an apartment to rent for your own residential needs, an office, a simple serviced office, an income-producing property with investment purpose, property investment for immigration procedure, or any other type of property in any sector, it’s vital and essential to use a property consultant in Turkey, but the right one.

Our legal firm in Turkey is experienced in this regard and offers the best property consultancy in Turkey at the most affordable prices, while also looking out for your interests.