Protection From The Evil Eye

Protection From The Evil Eye

The Evil Eye

Turkish people believe that malicious glares from others can bring; misfortune, suffering, or just general bad luck to the targeted people, and it is referred to as; “The Evil Eye.” When someone is envious of you because of your money, accomplishments, or happiness, and because of those things, the way they look at you, that spiteful look, is referred to as the “Evil Eye.”

What is an “Evil Eye?”

The Evil Eye in Turkey is known as; “Nazar.” In Arabic, Nazar literally means “sight” or “glance.” The Evil Eye is a kind of credulity that having a long historical timeline. It can be found in ancient Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome, and Medieval Europe. This is a strong belief, that exists in daily Turkish life until right now.

The idea that one person’s envy can deduct from another’s fortune is still prevalent in Mediterranean cultures like Greece. Other countries like; India, Ireland, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe are also common with this myth.

The Evil Eye is a curse that is said to be cast by a malevolent stare and is generally bestowed on someone ignorant of it. It first appeared on Chalcidian drinking containers known as; “eye-cups” as a kind of apotropaic magic in the 6th century B.C.

Many cultures think that experiencing The Evil Eye would bring them bad luck or damage, while others believe it is a supernatural power that casts or reflects a malicious look on people who wants to harm others (especially innocents). Evil Eye beads were popularized by the Phoenicians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, and Ottomans following the discovery of glass beads in the Mediterranean region around 1500 B.C. The color blue was most likely chosen because it was the easiest to make; however, current Evil Eyes can come in a variety of hues.

With about 40% of the world’s population believing in The Evil Eye, the concept represented by the phrase prompts many different civilizations to take preventive measures against it. The notion and its meaning vary greatly among cultures, but it is particularly popular in the Mediterranean and West Asia.

The concept is mentioned several times in Jewish rabbinic literature. The hamsa is another famous amulet and talisman for warding off The Evil Eye, whereas Italy (particularly Southern Italy) uses a number of other distinctive charms and gestures to ward off The Evil Eye, such as; the cornicello, the cimaruta, and the horns sign.

While the Egyptian “Eye of Horus” is a protective and good-health emblem, the Greek Evil eye talisman is designed to guard against malicious gazes. Similarly, the Eye-Idols (c. 8700–3500 B.C.) discovered at the Tell Brak Eye Temple are thought to have been figurines presented to the gods and are unrelated to a belief in the evil eye, according to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

The Blue Evil Eye: “Nazar Boncugu”

Many cultures believe that a symbol with the same shape as an evil force can push the evil away. So they made amulets in form of various things, such as; small key rings, necklaces, plates, and large ceramics. They drew The Blue Evil Eye, a bright and dark blue circle or oval sphere with a smaller circle in the middle to portray an eye.

This is a huge tradition in Turkey, known as; “Nazar Boncugu” (Eye Bead). It is actually a blue bead with an eye shape in the middle. The typical “Nazar Boncugu” was usually made of blue glass with an eye symbol on it. But today, it comes in all sizes, shapes, and decorations. “Nazar Boncugu” became art and accessory for tourists that come to Turkey.

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